Author: Kim Shea
Support Patty McCarty and Roni LaPelle
Support Patty McCarty and Roni LaPelle in their participation in “Friends of the Poor Walk” sponsored by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in…
Central Virginia Celtic Festival & Highland Games – October 27th & 28th 2018 Volunteer Opportunity
Volunteer to recruit new members at the Central Virginia Celtic Festival and Highlands Games. We will be sharing a booth with the AOH Dooley Division…
John Barry Memorial Picnic–October 14, 2018
The Dooley Division will host the John Barry Memorial Picnic on Sunday, October 14 from 1 to 4 PM. at St. Michael’s Catholic Church, Lake…
LAOH Donation to St. Vincent DePaul
The Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians Mary Ryan Division donated $500 to the Society of St. Vincent DePaul Conference at St. Michaels Catholic Church. The…
August 19th-Our Lady of Knock
Our Lady of Knock – Sunday, August 19th Mass at 11 am at St. Paul’s Catholic Church 909 Rennie Avenue Richmond, VA 23227 St….
LAOH Caritas -August 9th @ 5 PM-Lunch Assembly for 32 people
PLEASE contact Mimi or Amy if you cannot bring your offered item! We don’t want to be without anything. American Cheese Diane Bread …