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AOH James Dooley Division Trip to Ireland Raffle

The Dooley Division has an  online option to sell the AOH Raffle tickets this year. Please direct your friends, family, and others to the website…

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Gala Decision

Due to the Governor’s current COVID-19 restrictions limiting all gatherings to 10 people, the decision has been made to delay the Gala to March 2022….

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Nationwide Celebration of our Patron St. Brigid-January 31

LAOH National is hosting a St. Brigid Feast Day Mass celebrated by our Chaplain Fr. Ryan Duns Sunday, January 31, 2020 at 2 PM EST…

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LAOH Virginia Charity Raffle-February 1st

The LAOH Virginia is also holding a Raffle to benefit Freedom for All Ireland. The prize is the beautiful Galway Crystal Candle Holder shown here….

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Charity Raffle-February lst-Buy chances using link below!

The LAOH Mary Ryan Division will hold the first Freedom for all Ireland Raffle on February lst. First and second prize will be the beautiful…

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St. Michael Holiday Bazaar–November 8th

  St. Michael is hosting an Outdoor Holiday Bazaar, featuring vendors of handmade crafts and gifts. Our own, Amy Hegarty will be participating.   Get a…

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Come out and support Amy Hegarty

Amy has been busy this spring. She will be participating a craft fair featuring her creations including  stained glass pendants and t-shirt yarn scarves as…

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Hibernians Host Live Virtual Release of “Plastic Justice Report”   The Ancient Order of Hibernians, National Freedom for All Ireland (FFAI) Chairman Martin Galvin has announced…

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Celebrating our History!

Celebrating Our History — A History of the Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians, Inc. in Celebration of 125 Years of Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity….

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Freedom for All Ireland Raffle Tickets

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